Consett East The location of Consett East can be found on Google Maps here: 54°50’28.2″N 1°50’37.8″W – Google Maps Consett East signal box controlled the entrance to the Low Yard and, before it’s closure, the junction to Hownes Gill. Consett East Signal Box looking in the direction of Consett High Yard. The massive remains of Hownes Gill Plate Mill stands on the right. circa1985. Photo copyright Craig Oliphant Consett East Signal Box and Hownes Gill Plate Mill on 15 July 1983. Photo copyright Craig Oliphant Consett East signal box in ruins, with the track bed leading to the Low Yard and the Derwent Valley line curving to the right, the Waskerley line diverged just after the box going straight on. Circa 1985. Photo copyright Craig Oliphant Consett East Signal Box, 28 September 1973, photo copyright Peter Singlehurst Consett East Signal Box, 28 September 1973, photo copyright Peter Singlehurst Consett East Junction and Signal Box, 28 September 1973, photo copyright Peter Singlehurst Consett East Junction, 28 September 1973, photo copyright Peter Singlehurst The derelict remains of Consett East Signal Box in 1984. Photo copyright Roy Lambeth. The lever frame inside the derelict remains of Consett East Signal Box in 1984. Photo copyright Roy Lambeth. View from the derelict remains of Consett East Signal Box in 1984. Photo copyright Roy Lambeth. View from the derelict remains of Consett East Signal Box in 1984. Photo copyright Roy Lambeth. 37094 on a scrap train at Consett East on 10 May 1982. The line curving away in the background leads to the Low Yard. The track in the foreground originally lead to Hownsgill Viaduct. Photo copyright Stephen McGahon 25198 was an unusual visitor at Consett East on 26 May 1982 running wrong line and heading towards the Low Yard. Photo copyright Stephen McGahon