Over the years, I have visited the site of South Pelaw Junction on numerous occasions and, from other pointers was able to work out where the signal box was but assumed that, apart from a few bricks, nothing survived. Last week, I was surprised to see, on Flick, a photo that stated it was the…
Month: April 2019
Coal at South Pelaw
From John Stark, two shots of 9Fs at South Pelaw with loaded coal trains for Consett.
Show News The EM gauge layout of South Pelaw and Stella Gill is making it’s next appearance at the Middlesbrough Model Railway show on Sat 18th – Sun 19th May 2019 at the Settlement Community Centre, Union Street, Middlesbrough, Cleveland TS1 5NQ. The layout blog can be viewed here. New Wagons I’ve been building some colliery tipper wagons for…
Stella Gill
Two cracking shots of 9F 92065 leaving South Pelaw from Bill Watson. Added to the Stella Gill page.