A few years ago, I’d started on the job of converting a Bachmann Class 24 in to a ‘Tyne Docker’ which involved a lot of modifications to the body and the building of a set of Penbits sprung bogies. I’d finished the bogies and had done some of the body modifications when, out of nowhere,…
Month: February 2021
Signals and Sulzers (Part 1)
As the layout is not at home, I’ve had no access since the new period of lockdown came in but I have been doing some work at home and, in particular, I’ve made a start on the signals. Having never built signals before, I figured I’d start with the simplest one at the junction, number…
Around Consett
From Craig Oliphant, we have a couple of photos from Carr House and the Low Yard.
From regular contributor to the site, Craig Oliphant, a couple of phots of 37061 on a track lifting train passing through Beamish.